Sunday, November 27, 2011

Social Awareness Asignment #3- Social Issues:

Some "social issues" I witness in my life are:

- Bullying/ Cyberbullying
- Child Abuse
- Gay Rights *
- Homelessness
- Marijuana Legalization
- Obesity

The issue that I am focusing on in this response is gay rights. Even though that throughout the years of history gay/ lesbian people have been accepted more and more, some people still have a hard time accepting them for who they are as a person. New York, for example, only recently allowed residents to be legally married if gay, but you can only be married out of state. So even though we are partially starting to be okay with it, it's still not completely. There are over 47,000 same-sex couples just in New York City, and it would be nice to just let them do what they want! This is definitely a social issue because there are people out there fighting for the things they believe in, and there are people out there fighting just as hard to stop those things from happening.

I think that people should just accept people who are gay for themselves. It's not like they're aliens- they're human just like the rest of the world. I find it so silly to see people protesting gay rights, and gay marriage, because it's not like it would be afffecting the protesters! I would just let people live their own lives as they please because frankly, it's not really any of my business what other people do. I believe that people who are gay are people who are just as welcome in the world as anyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting post Sydney. I agree that gay rights is a really important social issue. I like how you say your honest opinion about it. I agree, but for someone who disagrees, it still would draw them into your blogpost. This blogpost is right on point. Nice Job.
