Friday, May 18, 2012

Coming of Age Novel: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

The coming of age novel that I chose for this unit was Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Johnathon Safran Foer. This book is about a young boy, Oskar Schell, who embarks on a journey through clues that his dad left him just before being killed in 9/11. There are many factors that contribute to the unique coming-of-age of this boy, including the death of his father, how his mother decided to move on, and the irregular "support" from his family, or lack there of.

One of the reasons Oskar has had an unusual coming-of-age (so far in his life) is because of the untimely death of his father. Having lost him on the morning of September 11, it was a particularly tough time for Oskar, because his father hadn't even seen him grow up yet. Losing your father, or you mother, at a young age is sure to have a great impact on the rest of your life. I'm sure that it's tough for Oskar to have to live without his dad especially because it was his father. Oskar had a stronger connection with his father than he does with his mother because he got everything he knew from his father, and they were extremely similar in character and personality. Oskar is the kind of kid where he's extremely smart, so he always asks a lot of questions. His father was one of the single people in his life that could deal with him in a way that was playful and educational at the same time. For example, Oskar's dad is tucking him in at night when he suddenly has the need to ask random questions related to science: " "Obviously, but why is there gravity?" He said, "What do you mean why is there gravity?" "What's the reason?" "Who said there had to be a reason?" "No one did, exactly." "My question was rhetoriacal." "What's that mean?" "It means I wasn't asking for an answer, but to make a point." "What point?" "That there doesn't have to be a reason." "(pg 12-13). This is just one example of how Oskar and his dad really did have a connection that no one could replace.

Another reason that the last reason led to was Oskar's mom's moving on. Shortly after his father died, Oskar's mother started really being around this guy Ron. Ron would come to most of their dinners, be with his mom all day, go to Oskar's school events, and other things as well. Whenever Oskar asks his mother about Ron, she denies any suspected love life. For example, on page 35: " "True or false: you are in love with Ron." She put her hand with the ring on it in her hair and said, "Oskar, Ron is my friend." " But even though his mom shows no real signs of having a love life with him, I highly suspect that Oskar thinks she does, jusr because that would be the worst possible situation on her part. It was devestate Oskar if he found out that his mom was going out with another guy just after his dad had died. On one hand, you can give her a little credit for being courageous enough for trying (and maybe succeeding) to move on, even though it may not look good. But on the other hand, itd not right because it's giving Oskar the idea that she doesn't really care about his dad and doesn't think much of him dying. Oskar doesn't really know who to go to about his feelings for this because he knows that his mom won't necessarily tell him the whole truth. Oskar feels insecure about things like this so he goes crazy sometimes and doesn't make sense, or lashes out.

Im absolutely positive that Oskar Schell does not have the most pleasant experience growing up. His dad died not too long ago, and his mom seems to not care that much and want to move on (at least on the outside from Oskar's perspective). I hope that for Oskar's sake, he learns to cope with the things in his life, and I hope that he discovers what the clues have been meaning to lead him to...